In a distribution or consolidation job, an Agent may encounter some errors, depending on an error itself, the Agent can either wait for its resolution (which may require admin's interference to have it fixed) or automatically stop the job run. The functionality is not available for Synchronisation job
Starting with Resilio Connect v3.4.0, it's possible to configure a job run so that it always aborts when an Agent encounters a particular error. This functionality is of use in cases when it's easier to launch a new job run than wait till the error is resolved.
This can be configured from two menus:
1) Drop down menu "MANAGE ERRORS" -> Abort job run on error. Add an error by code.
The Errors are listed by error codes. Refer to the table here for the most popular error codes. If you encounter some error messages that you need help with, please contact support.
2) From the dialog with the error itself.
When an Agent encounters the error, it aborts the job run with status "aborted" if the error is not resolved within 60 seconds. If this is the only source, the whole job run will be aborted too. Otherwise, the job run itself continues to work for other agents.
Starting with v3.5.0 the behavior is reverted and Resilio Admin needs to choose the Agents and Jobs for which the error will abort the job run
The exceptions in 3.4 work the following way:
The error is ignored for the selected Agents and the selected jobs. In the example above for the exception list of AgentA and AgentB, and Job1:
- agents A and B will continue job run (= not abort) for all their jobs;
- all agents in Job1 will continue job run (= not abort)
The inclusions in 3.5 work the following way:
The error will abort job run for the selected Agents and the selected jobs:
- all job runs will be aborted for selected Agents;
- all Agents in selected jobs will abort the job run.
Peculiarities and limitations
The error also aborts a job run if it is already present on an active job run at the moment of configuration . Next job run will be aborted if the error appears.
Parameter "Force complete job run for offline agents" is deprecated in Job profile. The parameter is mapped to a configured error CE_AGENT_OFFLINE to abort the job run accordingly for the jobs.