This error message appears if the mentioned agents become unlicensed, i.e. lose the license package previously assigned to them.
The might be multiple reasons:
- the license has expired;
- the license itself was changed by a sales representative and package was modified in some way:
- any other case when the license or license seats are no longer assigned to an Agent.
First of all, check licensing details in MC Settings -> Licensing.
1. Check that license hasn't expired yet. If year is not mentioned, it means that the date refers to current year.
Management Console warns about trial period or the subscription license is about to expire: 45 days before expiration as a warning, 10 days before expiration as a warning in red.
2. Check the number of seats available and used. Make sure that number of connected agents fits into the number of seats in the license.
3. Try and assign the license back to the agents. Click on Manage and assign the license package. See more details about assigning license packages here.
4. Click on "Check for license update" to redownload the latest license version from Resilio license server. The Management Console must be connected to the internet. Otherwise error about limited connection or failure to fetch the information will appear.
5. As an alternative option, re-apply the license key file you have received from Resilio team. Note, that the key bears static encoded information about the license features and package seats. Apply the license key file only if you're sure that the license was not changed on the license server after you received the key.
6. Contact your sales representative if your license expired or ran out of seat to update it.
Error code SE_NO_LICENSE