By default Agents are set to record and send all levels of events to the Management Console.
To reduce the load and to introduce some flexibility to events recording, Resilio Connect 2.9 has events filters implemented. These filters can be found in Agent Profile, under Logging and Statistics section.
If events are filtered out, the Agent will still locally record it, but won't send that to the Management Console, and the event won't appear on any "Logs" tab. It's not the same functionality as ignoring error messages in Management Console!
Clicking on "Edit filter" will open the editor. Events are divided by types per Events log schema, some of the events are disabled by default. It's possible to change that in bulk for the whole section.
Events info filter
A set of lightweight events, only shows the behavior of the agent process - startup and shutdown, as well as agent rename in Management Console.
Event trace filter
This filter controls Trace level of events about files, jobs, agents.
Connectivity trace events are all disabled by default. To enable some of them you need to first enable the whole section, and then enable the specific events that you need.
Activity trace events show the activity of the job, per source Job in Events log schema.
Other trace events are events about files.
Event file filter
This filter refers to File events, table of files for Agent in job run, and basic operations with files. Events are pretty self-descriptive, and "on remote" in the event means that the event happened on one of the remote agents. For example, Agent1 sent event "File abc.pdf was deleted remotely by Agent2" - it means that initially file abc.pdf was deleted from disk on Agent2 and this deletion was propagated to Agent1. You shall also see event "File abc.pdf was deleted" (without "remotely") among events from Agent2.
Events errors filter
The most popular Error events are pre-set here. Additionally, errors can be filtered by error codes, same as for Management Console, refer for codes here.