Each process on a computer is allowed to open a limited number of handles to files. Resilio Connect Agent needs to trace al the files in a job, especially sync jobs, and thus may exceed the limit. As a result, this error appear, valid mainly for Linux agents.
View the current limit in the system:
ulimit -n
ulimit -Sn //soft limit
ulimit -Hn //hard limit
To view the current number of open files by rslgent:
lsof -p <pid_of_agent> | wc -l
If number of open files exceeds the system limit, you might want to increase the limits.
ulimit -n 2048 //will set both soft and hard limits to 2048
ulimit -Sn 2048 //sets soft limit
ulimit -Hn 2048 //sets hard limit
The change will remain effective until a reboot or log out.
Edit /etc/security/limits.conf file and add:
* soft nofile 2048
* hard nofile 2048 // * is a user wildcard. Type username to apply limits for a user.
and restart the agent.
2048 is an example, it is not advised to set more than 65535 files.