- Fixed not properly processing removed Agents (18/March/2024)
- New option to validate MC certificate by trusted certificate hostname. See here for more details.
- New parameter in MC launch script to configure the memory usage limit
- Preserve custom memory limit value on update
- New option to import settings from a Job profile for the unique job settings
- Increased debug log upload timeout when creating a support case
- Added three new error codes to the list of ignored errors & errors to abort job run
- Increased startup timeout on Linux to 5 minutes and report MC daemon status after request timeout
- Fixed issue with one stuck e-mail notification stopping the whole e-mail queue
- Fixed option to duplicate a job being available to View-Only users
- Minor updates in text on Support page and support case form
- Rename Profile parameter “Key token rotation policy” to “Token rotation policy” (19/Dec/2023)
- Add new warning if Proxy and storage connector features are disabled in the license
- Add verification for existing password at password change for users on MC
- Fixed rotating key compatibility mode in Consolidation Job with the mix of Agents of different versions
- Fixed trigger versioning in Distribution and consolidation jobs.
- Fixed saving Network policy rules
- Security improvements (PT54520-9430-R0782)
- Fixed Agents tags, set via Agent API, in some cases
- Fixed false positive API gateway events in MC
- Minor UI fixes (14/Nov/2023)
- Support for Sharepoint online. Read more about it here
- New functionality to create job duplicates. Read more here
- Installation from .deb and .rpm packages. Read more about it here
- New functionality to run disk write speed diagnostics. Read more about it here
- Option to set job profile setting directly per job
- Configurable timeout for inactive tab
- Option to request a trial for a licensed feature
- Added validation in job paths for symbols not supported by Windows OS
- Added report of number of files to mail notifications for distribution and consolidation jobs
- Table with Proxy servers is grayed out if there’s no Proxy in the license
- Table with Storage Connectors is grayed out if there are no storage connectors in the license
- Performance in overloaded job creation cases
- Resetting AzureAD token cache causing user being logged out from MC
- Not being able to login via Azure AD if "server_origin" parameter does not match the address in the address bar, referer HTTP header used for redirectUri calculation
- Fixed job run not aborting by error in overloaded job creation cases
- Improved audit logging performance
- Fixed memory usage in overloaded job creation cases
- Network policy rule not working if tag has “AND” in its name
- Mail report for distribution and consolidation jobs not showing the number of files
- Fixed event.log size growing constantly in overloaded job creation cases
- Fixed job runs list resetting to the top if changed
- Not being able to select all agents in support case creation
- Incorrect symbol escaping in some events
UI changes
- Renamed Object storage to Storage Connectors in UI, warnings, error messages.
- Rearranged licensing page and added option to request trial for some license features
- Unified fields validation in Storage Connectors configurations
- Added parameter “Overwrite any changed files” to Job Profile
- New preset “Optimize for Sharepoint”
- "Cloud storage profile" renamed to "Storage connector profile", both Agent and Job profiles
New events and errors
- Added “Restart required” to "Can't load/save settings file" text error
- Api gateway error (err:null) (false positive)
- New errors
- Cannot write file
- Cannot read file
- Cannot create or update placeholder for file
- Cannot move file to archive
- Cannot remove file from archive
- Cannot finish download for file
- Cannot create file
- Cannot index folder
- File is an unsupported symlink
- File has an invalid mtime
- Cannot find owner/group for file
Known issues
- False positive “Api gateway error (err:null)” event (27/Sept/2023)
- Fixed sorting and selecting Agents on support form
- Minor UI fixes (28/Aug/2023)
- New functionality to query files information in a job. Read more here.
- Option to change encryption password
- Inform admin that MC and MC UI might be in different time zones when configuring general overview notification
- Error message about automatic dehydration of file is now reported to MC as well
New event “Deleted file. Deletion won’t be synced to other Agents” - New event “File will be re-downloaded to the destination Agent, because its modification timestamp has a future date
- New files' status on Files tab in a job: "Non-synced deleted"
- New error coded in the jobs
- Do not count files on source in total files/size on a transfer job
- Other fixes and improvements
Known issues
- Sorting by checkbox in different columns may work improperly (30/May/2023)
- Show in settings if MC’s storage is encrypted
- Add an error message if MC cannot decrypt its storage on start
- New warning if MC didn’t receive all expected events from Agents
- Fixed MC not starting automatically after restoring backup
- Fixed job run start time changing for certain agents after adding new agents in the job run
- Fixed missing ‘last sync time’ for active job run
- Fixed the possibility of creating a sync job without specifying the path
- Fixed some missing events for agents in progress in sync job
- Fixed failed support requests in some cases
- Fixed false positive “Pending approval” for some Agents after restart
- Fixed typo on SMTP server configuration dialog
- Deprecated: job run cannot be restarted on Agents that have completed the job run (24/Apr/2023)
- Advanced security configuration, encryption of sensitive data (read more)
- Elevated system requirements for Linux, drop support for WinServer 2012
- Security improvements for blocked users after attempting invalid login credentials
- Increased number of iterations for password encryption
- Improved job run timeouts if several agents have errors
- Option to disable local user accounts (read more)
- Add option to copy different texts all over UI
- Fixed vertical scales on graphs on Overview tab
- Fixed saving post download events
- Fixed ‘last synced’ updating every 20 seconds for job run with the error
- Improve ETA calculation for jobs
UI changes
- Show warning that restart of the Agent is required when changing permission in the job for macOS TSS agent.
- Enable column Agent version by default in Agents table
- Show domain users table as inactive if AD connectors are not configured
- Add columns Last Synced to job runs table
- Show warning that debug logging is disabled for the Agent when creating a support ticket
- Fixed too much extra space in Activity tab in a job run
- Add option to copy different texts all over UI
Profile changes
- Remove choke_peers from profile preset
- Expand external_port functionality to support IP address
- Show units for profile parameters
- Improve display of all imported parameters, even if some are invalid
- Possibility configure ArchiveTTL and Max size for file version in Archive in Job profile
- Add tunnel_ciphers as visible parameter in Agent profile
Deprecated and known issues
- Drop support for Windows Server2012 for MC
- Remove choke_peers from profile preset
- Some QNAP Agents and Agents installed on linux x86 with glibs 2.3 may report error “Failed to decrypt settings” after reboot (20/Feb/2023)
- Security improvement in the mechanism of approving Agents on MC
- New custom parameter to receive file system notifications for NFS shares
- Fixed MC no honouring files and size limits in the license
- Minor UI fixes (20/Dec/2022)
- Integration between Azure AD and API
- Improved showing Secret in Azure AD configuration
- Improved warning for aborting a job run on an error
- Fixed job run details not loading in some cases
- Fixed wrong ETA calculation in distribution and consolidation jobs
- Fixed sorting by Profiles in Agents table
- Fixed proxy connection timeout in some cases
- Other minor fixes and improvements (15/Nov/2022)
- Added a new tab with additional questions for support requests of level 4 and 5
- Added explanatory tooltips to Profile parameters, Statuses and some other settings
- Remastered ignoring errors and aborting the job run on error - now the default behavior is that admin needs to choose the agents and jobs to apply the error to.
- Fixed e-mail not showing which error was resolved
- Fixed search in Profiles
UI changes
- Added link to schedule Resilio Connect training on Login and Support page
- Added explanatory tooltips to Profile parameters, Statuses and some other settings
- Changed configuration flow for SMTP server
- Split Users tables into local and domain users
- Changed status of job run to “Aborted” if all agents in it are aborted
- Added links to errors for SMTP and LDAP configuration
- Removed Transfer and Speed section from Script job run overview
- Added cross-links on Agents, job runs, jobs overviews.
- Added “Status” to Agent overview
- Added Archive size on Overview of an Agent in a job run
- Changed error dialog view and link to KB with explanation
- Added priority on Overview of an Agent in a job run
- Added more info to “Not enough free space” error reported by Agents.
- Remastered file synchronization errors and split by different error codes
- Added job name to error message about conflicting path in a job
- Improved default sorting and jobs and groups: first come groups (selected/non selected), then Agents (selected/non selected)
- Changed letter case and capitalization for some buttons
Profile changes
- Added explanatory tooltips to Profile parameters
- Added checkboxes to selected Presets
- Added preset for VDI in Job Profile
- Added preset for Read-Only Agent in Agent Profile
Deprecated and known issues
- Reference Agent cannot be removed from an already configured and saved job
Button to subscribe to daily and weekly reports is removed for Read-only user (25/Oct/2022)
- No changes (06/Oct/2022)
- New
- Option to abort a job run by a selected error on Agents
- Parameters to configure deletion of non-used jobs from MC
- Added filter by job type on job runs table
- Fixed
- Creating jobs with invalid symbols in path for Windows agents
- Reporting negative min speed value on main Overview page
- Missing pagination for Events tab
- Profile changes
- Deprecated: Parameter “Abort job run for offline Agents”, it’s moved to Managing errors section
- Disable uTP and uTP2 tunnel protocols for new installations by default.
- Add parameter “Follow symlinks” to Job profile
- Add ‘used by’, ‘created by’, ‘updated by’, creation time and update time to profiles details
- Add prioritize_initial_indexing_mode=5 to preset for TSS
- New values for “Synchronize Posix permissions” parameter: None, All by ID (former By ID), All by name (former By name), Ownergroup by name
- UI changes
- New error message about misconfigured proxy server
- New error message about not rescanned folders and files, including interrupted rescan on cloud storages
- New warning before restarting a job run on an Agent
- New dropdown menu “Managing errors”. List of ignored errors is moved here.
- Changed the subject of e-mail message for Synchronization jobs to “Job <name> finished”
- Added total files and size information to Agent’s overview page
- Add button Rescan to job runs table on tab Agents
- Add more info about number of scanned and non-scanned files and folders in a job run
- Add information about what triggered a rescan on an Agent in a job run
- Add info about total and available space to error message about lack of free space
- Improved text for “Can't read ACL” error message
- Rename 'matches' to 'matches regexp' in autosorting of groups
- Add “already expired” status in Scheduler column for jobs that are scheduled to start in past
- Deprecated and known issues
- Deprecated: using “Allowed peers” and “Network policy rules” at the same time. Only one parameter is allowed
- Deprecated: profile parameter “Abort job run for offline Agents”, it’s moved to Managing errors section
- Deprecated: for new installations only TCP, UTP3 (ZGT) and proxy tunnel protocols are selected in the Profile.
- Possible RAM consumption may grow up to 6GB
- It’s possible to save distribution job without specifying the destination path for an Agent. Such job run won’t work until the path is specified.
- Kernel extension for TSS jobs on macOS 11.6.0, 11.7.0 (M1), 11.6.8 (Intel) is not triggered after clean installation of the Agent. Reboot of the system is required. (31/Aug/2022)
- Support for Azure AD users sign in (02/Aug/2022)
- Fixed missing leading slash in job configuration for macOS agents
- Fixed error for Network rule overlapping the Agents sets (19/July/2022)
- No changes (08/July/2022)
- New
- Restore deleted agents on MC
- Support for AWS IAM roles for cloud storage connection
- Fixed
- Show online/offline status of Reference agents
- Agents still reporting status ‘downloading’ in a completed job run in some cases
- MC not starting because of a null id for a job run in database
- Increase webhook timeout up to 2 minutes
- Non-clickable errors on Auxiliary servers tab
- Typo on Support Administration page
- Double e-mail for synchronization jobs sometimes
- Calculate total files and bytes to transfer per agent in a job run
Disabled “Select” button in the root of a path macro for a user limited Agent
- MC not validating LDAP users - whether the user still exists on the AD server
- Other minor fixes
- UI changes
- Add support page as a separate item on top bar menu, visible for View-Only users
- Add counter of total files and bytes synced on Agents' overview in a job run
- Minor UI fixes in Internet Explorer browser
- Added explanatory text on completed job runs
- Show only configured bandwidth rules when editing/creating groups
- Add link to HelpCenter to LDAP errors
- Deprecated things and known limitations
- Minimal possible speed limit in scheduler is now 8 Kbps
- Removed some outdated statistics pings from MC
- Disable option to restart the job on a Reference Agent
- False positive error “Selected folder is already added” after restarting the job on a TSS macOS Agent (04/July/2022)
- Bring back level5 of support requests
- Fixed scrollbar being visible through Setting dropdown (08/June/2022)
- New error about invalid unicode in file name
- New error about invalid modification timestamp of the file (31/May/2022)
- No changes (14/May/2022)
- No changes (06/May/2022)
- New
- Feature to shape Agents’ connections via network policy rules
- Option to ignore errors per Agent per Job
- Allow view-only users to initiate folder scan in a Job
- Prioritize fie download queue based on filename or extension
- Improved ETA calculations for the Job
- Support for macOS filename symbols translation on a Windows SMB clients
- Add more network details in disk diagnostics
- Force initial synchronization completion if Reference Agent has an error in the job
- Fixed
- Limit storage access for user limited Agent in disk diagnostics
- Fixed Agent still reporting upload queue after aborting a job run
- Fixed sending e-mail despite the fact that no files were transferred
- Fixed MC erroring out when restarting an Agent in a job run
- Profile changes
- New preset Optimize for DFSR replacement
- Add some file extensions to “Delay processing file system events” for preset “Optimize for VS
- Add validation to Allowed peers parameter
New parameters in Job profile
- File download priority
- Network policy
- Lazy indexing
- Skip file errors (transfer jobs)
- Force file owner to hash files
- New parameters in Agent profile:
- Notify Agent of file сollision threshold
- Automatic port mapping
- Locked files recheck interval
- Download priority
- UI changes
- Rearrange filters on all tables
- Added warning when changing an Agent’s path in an already configured job
- Added warning if the configured speed limit is too low for ZGT and other udp-based protocols
- Make "Disk write speed" column visible on Agents table
- Show full Agent’s version in the Agents table and on Agent’s Overview page
- Add “Path” column to Agents table in a job run
- Add link to Contact support web form in MC
- Add link to Help Center to “Restart on Agent” button in job runs
- Validate cloud storage path when creating or editing a job
- Add icons to buttons
- Other UI changes
- Deprecated
- Remove level 5 of a support requests
- Remove “Permissions” and “Path” buttons from creating/editing groups dialogs (25/March/2022)
- Fixed false positive bandwidth limit icon on agents with 32-bit systems
- Fixed failed fetching debug logs for specified time range (04/March/2022)
- Fixed failed support request
- Fixed informing about required Agent restart after changing “Number of disk I/O threads” parameter in Profile
- Enable “Resolve filename system conflicts” in Agent Profile for new installations (16/Feb/2022)
- Fixed missing last tunnel information in the connectivity matrix
- Fixed failure to save Reference Agent in a job
- Fixed error after restarting an Agent in a job run
- Fixed failed signing out (20/Jan/2022)
- No changes (04/Jan/2022)
- No changes (29/Dec/2021)
- No changes (16/Dec/2021)
- Improved debug logging
- Improve Traffic optimization calculation on dashboard
Profile changes
- Legacy Selective Sync parameters are removed from Agent profile
- Default value for “Max size of file data chunk for network request” parameter is changed to 0 (zero)
- Legacy Selective Sync parameters are removed from Agent profile
- Remove Traffic optimization percentage information from dashboards (23/Nov/2021)
- Fixed problem opening a job run
- Introduced Reference Agent in synchronization jobs to sync file permissions properly
- Improved job runs and general overview
- Improvements in Profiles
- Multiple changes in reporting and performance metrics
- Report service traffic speed in a job run
- Add column with disk write speed to a job run to track local file copying (as opposed to transferring over the network)
- New Activity of an Agent in a job run: Archive activity
- New status on an Agent in a job run: writing acl, initial synchronization
- Improvements in collecting debug logs from the Agents
- Allow login with email
- Option to choose sender’s e-mail address when sending a test e-mail
- Allow picking bandwidth units in the scheduler
- Warn about removing last default tracker from MC
- Show Agent ID in audit log in deletion event
- MC records License ID in a text file in its storage folder
- Status of job runs changes to Completed if script fails with an error on destination agents.
- More precise network speed units conversion - actual transfer speed may be slightly reduced
- Added extended metrics to speed test diagnostics
- Truncate leading and trailing spaces in a cloud storage name
- Debug logging for LDAP is changed from info to debug level
- Choice of encryption methods for SMTP configuration
- Extended information in network speed test
- Database corruption caused by lack of free space
- Crashes after sending emails
- View-Only user not being able to view Agent Profiles
- Some statistics not being preserved on a job run for offline agents
- Added testing connection to feedbacks server before sending the support form
- Network speed diagnostics not trying Known hosts from Agents’ profiles
- Fixes and improvements in collecting usage statistics
- Freezing at opening Files tab in a job run
- Failure to restart caused by a non-existent job
UI changes
- Changed layout of main overview, job runs overview
- Changed viewing of script logs in a job run
- Show speed limit icon in a job run
- Service traffic is reported in UI even though nothing is being synced
- Active files tab in a job run now shows only files that are being synced at the moment
- Changed filters on Agents tab in a job run: filter by Agents’ status
- Added filters by file’s status in a job run
- New error message for the user who doesn’t have view permission in a job
- New warning about a backslash in a cloud storage path in a job run
- Improved error message about invalid characters in a filename
- Relative path column is shown by default on Files tab in a job run
- Add logout button to dropdown menu
- Issue impact field in support form is blank by default and is compulsory
- Moved Files column closer to Errors in a job run
- Minor changes in elements and text all over UI
Profile changes
- Predictive custom parameters input
- Warning about a required agent restart or recreation of the job after changing a parameter
- New parameters: FileDelayConfig, Data Compression, Free disk space threshold
- Option “Skip file errors” is true by default
- Parameter “Sync NTFS permissions” has new value “Re-apply local inherited permissions“
- Add “Resolve filename system conflicts” to “Over 10mln files” preset
- Add Custom parameters section to Job profiles
- Add links to KB to some parameters
- Changed editing dialog for “Bind interface” and “Pause job if”
Deprecated and known issues
- Management Console supports are no longer supported for Windows7
- Transfer millions files in batches is no longer supported
- Remove events "Added job", "Deleted job " and "Updated job" generated by Сonsole
- Removed “Alerts” from main overview and daily/weekly subscriptions
- MC sends mail about a resolved error too soon if configured to
- Unexpected behavior if tracker addresses are not unique on configuration page
- Any Agent on a 32bit OS shows incorrect Unlimited speed in a job run (32 Tbps) (10/May/2024)
- Fixed changed of folder owner being inherited recursively, updating the ACL on enclosed files
- Fixed failed filed synchronization of files in TSS folder which are in “Always keep on this device” mode
- Enabled inotify watched for Agents with glibc2.6 (18/March/2024)
- New option to validate MC certificate by trusted certificate hostname. See here for more details.
- Latest version of macfuse for TSS Agents
- Fixed conditional pause of the job run not working if the operators if the rule are in lower case
- Fixed aborting of files transfer prioritized by timestamp
- Fixed crash of Agent when synchronizing with Backblaze storage
- Fixed error when using same path as source in distribution job and sync job
- Fixed false positive “writing acl” status in the job run
- Fixed issue when IPv6 on a computer change caused the network settings update in the Agent
- Files issue with NTFS ACL not syncing to files on UNC path locations
- Fixed crash on a TSS Windows Agent when executing a script
- Fixed Agents not being able to connect to each other in some cases
- Updated error text for failure to create the .sync/ID service file (19/Dec/2023)
- Improved processing files download queue
- Fixed failed torrents downloads in case of downloading many files across many peers
- Fixed Agent not applying "Files and folder filter" after restart
- Fixed Agent not uploading same file in two different jobs at the same time
- Fixed false positive “restart required” status for Agent in some cases (14/Nov/2023)
- Support for Sharepoint Online. Read more about it here
- Option to remove the service .sync folder after job run completion
- Changes in system requirements
- Not requesting file from source again after a failed download attempt
- Dropping some file system events on bulk operations
- Ignoring changed in network interfaces on Linux in some cases
- Hanging after changing the path for a cloud storage
- Fixed crash on testing connection to a cloud storage
- Support for Windows_x86
- Support for FreeBSD_x86
- Support for armv5 (minimal supported is armv7)
- Support for glibc2.3 and glibc2.4 (minimal supported is glibc2.6)
- Support for package architecture 88f6281 for SynologyNAS
Known issues
- File is not synced after being unlocked if it was not changed during lock (27/Sept/2023)
- Support for macOS 14 Sonoma
- Fixed Agent not detecting change of modification time on an object in object storage in some cases
- Fixed some missing errors after update
- Other core fixes (28/Aug/2023)
- New functionality to query file information in a job. Read more here
- Special permissions for the agent in the job not to propagate deletions. Read more here
- Configurable ZGT timeout
- Multiple new error codes
- Option to copy full path to file in download/upload queue in Agent UI
- Update error about lack of free space, mention Folder Quota
- Core improvements in reporting file errors
- Placeholder creation errors not being reported to MC
- Fixed re-inheriting file permissions if files are synced with direct torrent
- Check for working opplocks on a storage
- Authentication with S3 IAM roles giving 403 error
- Crash on a cloud Agent when deleting a job
- Crash on Agent shutdown with conflicting job paths
- Improper error with root_acl_enty in some cases
- Missing error if Sync and transfer jobs are pointed to the same directory
- Missing file name in error message “Can’t download file” in one case
- Agent termination connection to MC not waiting for a ping from it
- Transfer job not finishing when single source path is transferred to different destinations via multiple jobs
Known issues
- In Windows Explorer in TSS job a subfolder may show “in progress” icon if there’s an empty file inside
- Files count in TSS share in Agent UI may be wrong while fetching the file with an app (30/may/2023)
- Show in settings if Agent’s storage is encrypted
- Split reporting about Agent’s main thread into main and background tasks in MC
- Improved text for error message about lack of free space
- Fixed Agent on QNAP failing to decrypt its storage
- Fixed incorrect reporting of disks on FreeBSD
- Fixed reporting for free space for virtual drives
- Fixed failed check for mounted drive before processing file deletion
- Fixed missing dependency on Amazon Linux
- Fix bandwidth schedule speed limits affecting network speed diagnostics
- Fixed failed speed diagnostic test via proxy
- Fixed not inheriting the permissions that were changed on job’s root folder (24/April/2023)
- Advanced security configuration, encryption of sensitive data (read more)
- Option to remove File version state from macOS TSS folders
- Option to remove file based IgnoreList
- Option to configure hardcoded IgnoreList
- Cleanup part-files .!sync after restarting the job on the Agent
- Remove service traffic from Agent UI when jobs are fully synced
- Fixed file removal if two Agents in TSS mode are launched on same Windows device
- Fixed job stuck when UNC path is not resolving filename by a system call
- Fixed dropped TCP connection to tracker
- Fixed TSS Agent not downloading file if its parent is not yet created on disk
- Fixed job stuck after updating Agent on Synology
- Fixed disk load metrics reported by the Agent to MC
- Fixed detecting Blender file as zero-sized in macOS TSS shares
- Fixed pausing the job with custom parameter merge_while_pause
- Fixed UPnP connections
- Fixed permanent error message about invalidated file on RO Agent
- Fixed trimming lead and trailing spaces in connectivity to MC in Agent UI
- Fixed crash when opening large number of connections
Deprecated and known issues
- Some QNAP Agents and Agents installed on linux x86 with glibs 2.3 may report error “Failed to decrypt settings” after reboot. (20/Feb/2023)
- Security fix for possible path traversal
- Fixed crash caused by misconfigured merge_full_availability parameter
- Fixed proxy connection timeout
- Fixed job stuck after restarting proxy network interface
- Fixed possible crash during upload to AWS S3 storage
- Fixed crash when syncing with Object Matrix storage
- Fixed crash caused by removing job with cloud storage path
- Fixed Agent detecting failed hydration of file as file modification
- Fixed connection error during network diagnostic test over Proxy TCP/Proxy UTP3
- Disabled UPnP port mapping in Agent UI which caused freezing sometimes
- Improved behaviour when Agent cannot read its settings files (20/Dec/2022)
- Allowed Agent to bypass OS permissions restrictions when delivering permissions
- Fixed a stuck job if the metainformation is lost
- Fixed files not being reverted to placeholders in some cases
- Fixing improper deletion of files during redundant files cleanup phase in distribution job
- Fixed crash on exit
- Fixed search by peer name in Agent UI
- Fixed wrong Size and Files counts in Agent UI
- Fixed old events not showing in Agent UI after update (known issue from 3.5.0) (15/Nov/2022)
- Fixed Agents not reporting error about removed Reference Agent in some cases
- Fixed Agents reporting wrong path in TSS jobs to MC
- Added Agent details to Agent API
- United same of columns in Agent UI
Known issues
- Events from History tab disappear after update to 3.5.0 (25/Oct/2022)
- Update to support TSS on macOS 13
- Fixed crash after moving files in TSS folder on macOS (06/Oct/2022)
- Block dehydrating files in TSS folder before they’re uploaded to configured main server, the Agent will report error
- FileDelayConfig is applied to files discovered during folder scan
- Added logging of name and PID of the process that hydrates files in TSS shares
- The Agent won’t start if its main settings files are corrupted and won’t connect to MC
- Agent will create a script folder, if it does not exist, by default. This can be disabled by a custom parameter in profile
- Failure to connect to proxy. The Agent will switch to proxy address in config file, or report error
- Stuck job if metadata is lost for a cloud storage as destination in transfer jobs
- Stuck job after restarting the job run on an Agent in some cases
- Stuck rechecking of non-downloadable file when it no longer exits
- Hanging File Explorer caused by Agent trying to fetch a deleted folder (race condition)
- Failure to establish connections sometimes (race condition)
- Crash when scanning files on Read-Only Agents
UI changes
- Made TSS context menu items more distinct on macOS
Deprecated and known issues
- Agent is not triggering the kernel extension alert on macOS 11.6 for TSS shares. Reboot of the device is required. (31/Aug/2022)
- Fixed connectivity problem caused by incorrect work of "Bind interface" parameter (02/Aug/2022)
- Fixed stalled jobs when uploading files to a cloud storage in some cases
- Fixed crash caused by wrong packet size
- Fixed failed creation of TSS share on macOS (19/July/2022)
- Fixed crash caused by wrong packet size (08/July/2022)
- Report error if the API socket is busy on maxOS and Linux Agents
- Occupy the configured API socket exclusively
- TSS menu items not visible for paths with invalid lettercase
- Crash caused by invalid ‘date modified’ timestamp
- Crash while being removed from MC
- Unexpected and incorrect weekly scheduler configuration in Agent UI
- Improved help output in command line for the Agent executable
- Agent no trying to reconnect to MC after a failed attempt
- Other minor fixes (04/July/2022)
- Fixed syncing issue caused by files’ negative creation time
- Fixed syncing issue caused by a pending file system event (08/June/2022)
- Fixed crash on invalid "modification time"
- Fixed crash when there’s a looped symlink in the job folder
- Fixed other crashes
- Fixed RW Agent overwriting files with newer timestamp on Reference Agent
- New error about invalid unicode in file name
- New error about invalid modification timestamp of the file (31/May/2022)
- Fixed RW Agent overwriting files with newer timestamp on Reference Agent (14/May/2022)
- Fixed crash caused by transfer timeout
- Fixed crash caused by invalid modified timestamp of files (06/May/2022)
- Preserve symlink’s name if it’s used as a path in a job
- Changes in honoring small speed limits (peaks on speed graphs may be observed)
- Improved memory allocation for network sockets
- Improved ZGT handling RTT changes in network with high level of packet loss
- Fixed crash caused by transfer timeout
- Fixed crash caused by invalid modified timestamp of files
- Fixed some other crashes
- Fixed failure to download files in some cases
- Fixed failure to sign out of a server interrupted by the Agent
- Fixed synchronization of zero-sized placeholders instead of files in TSS shares
- Fixed hanging on exiting sometimes (25/March/2022)
- Job stucking after upgrade from several previous versions
- Fixed crash on 32-bit systems
- Fixed other crashes
- Fixed files not syncing in some cases
- Minor fixes in bandwidth scheduler in Agent UI (04/March/2022)
- Improvements in transfer speed over ZGT
- Improvements in transfer speed with Azure Files storage
- Added com.apple.timemachine.supported into default IgnoreList
- Files file removal after re-adding the Agent to the job (full sync and TSS jobs)
- Fixed a stuck job after update
- Fixed Agent scanning the folder from scratch after restart on 32-bit operating systems
- Fixed crash on an Agent syncing with a cloud storage
- Fixed failed update on Synology with DSM7 (16/Feb/2022)
- Fixed handling improper terminating of TCP connection
- Fixed crash caused by invalid ACL on files
- Fixed crash caused by files deleted on a Read-Only Agent
- Fixed crash caused by “Allow copy local files” enabled for a Cloud storage
- Fixed some other crashes
- Fixed a stuck job caused by choke_peers parameter in Profile
- Fixed a stuck job caused by folder tree merge after update
- Fixed false positive error about lack of space on disk
- Fixed poor job performance caused by chosen encryption cipher
- Fixed Archive not being cleared in some cases
- Fixed handling of placeholder renames in TSS shares on macOS
- Fixed freezing during shutdown
- Improved handling of reparse points (20/Jan/2022)
- Fixed hanging during file transfer over ZGT
- Fixed RAM consumption and crash in one case (working with Archive) (04/Jan/2022)
- Improved sync job performance is some cases
- Fixed memory exhaustion by the Agent (29/Dec/2021)
- Fixed a stuck job after restoring files from Archive
- Fixed unexpected file removal after changing letter case in its name in some cases
- Fixed reporting upload speed and data transferred for proxied connections
- Fixed TCP connections in networks with high RTT (16/Dec/2021)
- TSS on macOS 12
- Finder TSS menu and icons disappearing after renames
- False positive error “Cannot mount folder” for TSS jobs on macOS
- Inheriting TSS attributes on files from previous jobs or other applications
- Extra folder rescan being triggered after Agent restart
- Using Avid Nexis root share folder in a job
- Next tracker connection attempt being delayed after network reload
- Zero-sized files being considered as deleted in some cases
- Crashes on Synology and WD NAS
- False positive errors “file is locked” and “no permissions to access the file” by Cloud Agent
- False positive "Cloud storage location is not accessible” error in some cases
- Improved transfer speed to Backblaze Cloud and Azure Files
- Improved memory consumption by Cloud Agents
- Improved exit time for Cloud Agent
- Improvements in synchronization flow with Reference Agent
- Improved debug logging
- Other core fixes and improvements
- Support for macOS 10.14 and older
- Support for legacy Selective Sync (23/Nov/2021)
- Fixed crash
- Fixed failed database update in some cases (10/Nov/2021)
- Core changes to reduce RAM consumption
- Support for transfer speed of up to 10 Gbps over ZGT protocol
- Improvements in startup time
- On-demand creation of placeholders in the share
- Crash caused by composed and decomposed characters in filenames
- Crash trying to download big files (Terabytes)
- Crash on a NAS with limited RAM and enabled ZGT protocol (out of memory crash)
- Redundant subscription to file system notifications on NFS shares
- Unnecessary operations with ACL in a cloud storage
- Failure to process files’ removal because of “Read-Only” attribute in a parent directory
- Freezing if several Distribution jobs are pointed to same destination folder on the Agent
- Freezing if a TSS job is removed right after it was created on the Agent
- Freezing with nested TSS jobs
- Agent not restoring from “no free space” error
- Continuous processing of zero-sized files after their modification timestamp changes
- Counting network packers as lost in some cases
- False positive “Cannot open destination folder” error caused by lowercase of the path
- Stuck Distribution/Consolidation job if it’s configured not to calculate files’ hashes in some cases
- Failure to transfer big files if the source folder is a OneDrive directory
- Failure to sync files with decomposed symbols in some cases
- Stuck files transfer cased by massive file change events
- Failed cancellation of mass file download in TSS folders
- Files owner not being able to seed files in some cases
- Incorrect RTT calculation by ZGT protocol in networks with high packets loss rate
- Failure to upgrade database files in some cases
- Error “Can’t download files” not being clickable
- Active upload/download queue not updating in realtime
- Unexpected second rescan after creating a synchronization job
UI changes
- Improved error message when Agent UI loses connection to the Agent Service
- Improved error message if Agent UI is opened in in multiple users’ sessions
Deprecated and known issues
- Internet Explorer 9 and 10 are no longer supported for Agent UI
- TSS doesn’t work for OS X 12 with Intel or M1 chip
- Agent may need to index some files again if an SMB share was unmounted during indexing
- High RAM usage when syncing data from a ReFS drive
- RAM consumption may be a bit higher than expected during folder tree merge
- Agent may get stuck when moving files to Archive on a Wasabi cloud storage
- Agent Service may take up to 30 seconds to stop if there are millions files in the jobs
- Error “Not all files are uploaded to the main server” does not prevent the Agent from quitting.
- Agents that sync with a cloud storage can report false positive file access errors after restart. This error will go away
- Crash on Synology and WD NAS after starting a transfer job
- Wrong error in Agent UI if certificate fingerprint is invalid in the config file: No connection to the Management Console instead of "Invalid certificate fingerprint"
Tracker: 3.0.915 (14/Nov/2023)
- Installation from .deb and .rpm packages. Read more about it here
Proxy: (28/Aug/2023)
- Fixed crash on shutdown
Proxy tracker 3.0.9145 (24/April/2023)
- Option to configure MTU size for tracker connection
- Fixed tunnel timeout for proxy connection
- Fixed proxy not working over TCP in some cases
Proxy (06/Oct/2022)
- Fixed failed logs compression which filled up the storage
- Proxy will not connect to a new MC by simply reconfiguring it on MC. Clearing current proxy’s settings files is required.
- Improved proxy connectivity in case of misconfiguration on MC
Proxy (04/July/2022)
- Fixed proxy hanging at restart sometimes
Tracker 3.0.802 (06/May/2022)
Fixed crash
Tracker 3.0.608 (10/Nov/2021)
Proxy (10/Nov/2021)
- Parameter “--proxy” is no longer required
- Fixed: proxy listening to port 3839 after installation
Tracker 3.0.608 (16/Jan/2021)
- Minor changes
3.0.454 (23/Feb/2020)
- Add firewall exception to Windows firewall by default
3.0.454 (30/March/2020)
- Minor improvements
3.0.356 (08/Oct/2019)
- Minor improvements
- Support for Azure AD users sign in
- Changed response for last_synced value in job runs and agents in job runs calls: current timestamp is returned for synchronization jobs, zero is returned if agents are not yet synced up
- Fixed typo in Schedules call documentation (18/March/2024)
- Security fix: added JSON validation schema to all API routes
- Fixed parameter maxEntries not working in GET folderslist call unless storage_id is provided. Now maxEntries applies in all cases for local file systems if provided. (19/Dec/2023)
- Add filter by name to GET groups (lowercase only)
- Updated API documentation mentioning the new required listening port
- Improved "is_active" and "ever_run" filters, they accept case-insensitive values
- Add “last_synced” parameter for the "Get Status Of Jobs" Agent API call
- Prevent deleting a Job Profile if it’s used in a job. Error is returned
- Fixed an object not being available right after creating/updating it through API
- Fixed backward compatibility for GET reporting call cal with parameters in payload (14/Nov/2023)
- New API gateway enforced for new installations with new listening port 8446
- New filter in GetAgents by “os_user”
- New filters in GetJobs call: by name_pattern (wildcard), by is_active, by ever_run
- Option to batch delete the jobs by job_id
- Add created_by key to a job object in the API response (28/Aug/2023)
- New: File query
- New parameter for Agent in a sync job “non_deleting”:true/false
- Fixed incorrect error if Reference Agent is removed
- Fixed API tokens created before v2.7 of Connect causing problems after update to 3.6 (30/May/2023)
- Call to list Agent’s folders
- Added “uptime”, “date_added” and more statutes to get agent by ID run call
- Fixed get groups call returning IDs of legacy groups not created by admin (24/April/2023)
- Increased length of API tokens up to 32 bytes. Old 20-bytes tokens will not work
- The Reporting API GET requests don't accept parameters in the payload, but do accept in the URL instead
- Add pagination to GET Agents and Job Runs calls, default number of items in response is 10, maximum is 500
- Fixed case when call for active job runs also returned completed ones
- Add filter by hostname in GET Agents request
- Removed invalid “type” filter from example in GET Job Runs call
- Fixed json in examples in some other calls
- Fixed example for notifications subscriptions for groups (20/Dec/2022)
Integration between Azure AD and API
- Support for JWT
- Added API and JWT tokens (partly) to the common.log
- Add creation time to get_jobs call
- Deprecated jobs_exceptions and agents_exceptions parameters
- Add notifications and webhooks to creating job call
- Add filter by status to Agents call
- Add filter by tags to Agents call
- Return error 400 when calling ‘activity’ details for inactive job runs
- Add ‘used by’, ‘created by’ and ‘updated by’ to profiles details
- Fixed profile_id and schedule_id resetting when updating the groups
- Remove APi version icon from documentation (08/July/2022)
- Generate API tokens for LDAP users
- Expiration time for API tokens auto-generated for LDAP users is 24h by default
- Add ‘start time’ and ‘duration’ to sync jobs’ call
- Call to configure LDAP connection
- Call to create, list MC backups, and restore a backup
- Call to configure SMTP and test connection to it
- Call to generate API keys for local MC users
- Call to create, add and delete users on MC, local and LDAP
- Call to list user groups
- Improver error output for runs and agents calls
- Missing “description” for newly created Profiles
- API calls timeouting sometimes
- Invalid format in response example in ‘update trackers’ calls
3.2.1 (06/May/2022)
- Support for network policy rules feature
- Support for configuring and assigning bandwidth schedulers to the groups through API
- Added 'Started by' (created_by), 'Transfer progress' (downloadBytesPercent) and 'Transfer ETA' (etaDown) to get runs call
- Added offline/online parameter to get Agents call
- Added Agent’s jobs information to get Agent by ID call
- Added hostname and username to get Agent by ID call
- Different values types in job runs API response
- Fixed documentation in get Agent connection in a job run: mark ‘best_connection' and 'best_connection_protocol' as optional
3.1.4 (16/Feb/2022)
- Added details about output of agent_stats call
3.0.0. (10/Nov/2021)