Resilio Connect Management Console can be configured to contact Resilio feedback and license servers via proxy. This can be done through configuring custom environment variables. Follow the steps below.
Https certificate validation
In case your the server where proxy is installed somehow processes or changes the https certificate received from third party servers, you might also need to skip certificate check using NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 variable, but it's highly not recommendedLinux
1. Stop Resilio Management Console
2. Edit the srvctl file and add the following exports:
export https_proxy=http://<proxy_addr>:<port>/
export http_proxy=http://<proxy_adr>:<port>/
IP or DNS can be used as proxy address.
3. Start Resilio Management Console
1. Stop Resilio Management Console
2. Edit system variables and set two new variables (uppercase as illustrated)
HTTP_PROXY with value http://proxyaddr:port
HTTPS_PROXY with value http://proxyaddr:port
IP or DNS can be used as proxy address.
3. Start the Management Console service. Use Process Explorer tool to verify that env vars are visible to the MC service process