Resilio Connect has three dashboards for overall estimation of how agents perform: overview, per job run and per agent dashboard. All of them monitor current or previous activity and can show information for latest or week. The below information is valid for Resilio Connect v3.0.0 and newer.
Overview dashboard
General statistics - keeps information for all the time since first installation of the Management Console. This statistics data is accumulated during all the time and it is not reset by some date.
Bytes and files information is the sum for all files/bytes downloaded by all agents. All time data transferred is preserved after the update from pre-3.0 MC installation. For fresh installations, total bytes transferred information appears after some first files synchronization and may be different from “for the last 24 hours” section during first day.
Information for the last 24 hours is updated every 5 minutes, so it’s OK to see same figures for a while even if you know something is being transferred.
Calculation for the bytes transferred is updated every 5 minutes.
Traffic optimization shows the amount of deduplicated data.
Total Agents counter shows the Agents, both licensed and unlicensed, online and offline, connected to the Management Console. Agents that are pending approval don’t appear here. Offline agents are counted as agents with error.
Completed are the agents that are present in an active job run with status “successfully finished/synced”. Other agents in a job run are countered as “in progress”, including agents with status “no peers’ in a job run.
Jobs in progress counts all active job runs, apart from synchronization jobs in status “Idle”. Succeeded are those that that finished with status “Completed” or the synchronization jobs with status “Idle”. Failed are those with status “Aborted” or “Timeout”. See here for more details about job runs statuses.
Jobs summary shows history of job runs on the MC. It accumulates the data per job per selected timeframe (10 minutes, hour, day, week or month). Last column shows the sum of data transferred. The information is updated in real time.
Information on the graphs below it is updated every 5 seconds on “10 minutes/hour” interval, 5 minutes on “day” and 1 hour on “week”. If a dropdown is selected on main Overview, it is changed accordingly on graphs in job run overview. If a selected time range is unavailable in another view, the widest possible range is shown.
Max transfer speed may change and be different after changing a time range on the graph as the speed is recalculated to match the selected range.
Bytes transferred graph keeps the information about data transferred in a job run, even if that job run is now deleted but existed for the chosen period.
Job Run dashboard
Job run overview gives overall understanding of how it performs. Information here is updated at intervals per selected interval on graphs (see below).
ETA is calculated based on data to be synchronized and the agents’ speed, the maximum value of all agents in the job run. Agents in status “Aborted” are not taken into consideration.
It is expected that duration and ETA for synchronization jobs is ‘unknown’ if the job is in status Idle and no files are transferred at the moment.
Speed metrics also show service data being transfers so some minor speeds may be reported even though no user data is being synced.
Max transfer speed may change and be different after changing a time range on the graph as the speed is recalculated to match the selected range.
In addition to network speed, files per second metric also helps to evaluate how fast is the transfer. Fractions are expected here, and if a single big file is being transferred at the moment, MC will report ‘less than 1 file/sec” which is actually true.
Data is updated every 5 seconds, however, it also depends on Agent status update interval from the Agent profile.
Total bytes and files to download shows the data that the Agents are expected to yet download (all files in a job, or selected files in a TSS folder), and it is the sum* of all agents in the job run, except for agents in status “aborted”. In TSS shares the files are not counted if they are not selected for download.
*Version 3.2 and older counts this as the difference between the total number of files in the folder tree (built by all the agents in the job) and the number of local files on an Agent. The sum of all agents. This way some files that are ignored by one of the agents (but no ignored by others) may be counted, which is not a vey precise statistics. Version 3.3. and newer counts it as difference between total and local number of files per Agent, the sum of all agents. This way statistics counts the files each of the Agents needs to download indeed.
Traffic optimization shows the percentage of data saved by data compression and local family copies relatively total data transferred over the network. For traffic optimization to work differential sync and local file copy shall be enabled in the Agent profile.
Agents with errors are those that have at least one error reported in the job run. If an error is ignored, it’s not counted here.
Agents statuses are divided into those that are critical and not critical for the job run. The AGENT ERRORS are the statuses that prevent the job from starting or competing. See here for more details about each of these statuses.
Graph on STATISTICS tab is updated every 5 seconds on “10 minutes/hour” interval, 5 minutes on “day” and 1 hour on “week”. Interval All is updated at frequency dependent on the total duration of the job run.
An internal may be not available for a job run if its duration is smaller than that. For example, if a Synchronization job’s or Distribution job run’s duration is, e.g., 17 hours, only intervals “10 minutes”, hour and All will be available. However, if a Distribution job run took less than 10 minutes to run, only interval All will be available on the graph.
Max transfer speed may change and be different after changing a time range on the graph as the speed is recalculated to match the selected range.
Agent dashboard
The overview dashboard shows overall performance of the agent itself, its configuration details as well as some metrics specific for this particular job run.
Data on overview is updated every 5 minutes.
Agents of versions older than 3.0.0 may show N\A for some of the parameters that were introduced in v3.0.0.
Bytes and files to receive shows the data that the Agents are expected to yet download (all files in a job, or selected files in a TSS folder). This is the same parameter as Current sync queue on Activity tab (see here for more information about detailed activities).
Connections show currently established best tunnels as per connectivity matrix.
ETA is calculated based on data to be synchronized and the agent’s speed. It is expected that ETA for synchronization jobs is ‘unknown’ if the job is in status Idle and no files are transferred at the moment.
Traffic optimization shows the percentage of data saved by data compression and local file copies relatively total data transferred over the network.
Speed metrics also show service data being transfers so some minor speeds may be reported even though no user data is being synced.
In addition to network speed, files per second metric also helps to evaluate how fast is the transfer. Fractions are expected here, and if a single big file is being transferred at the moment, MC will report ‘less than 1 file/sec” which is actually true
Hashing and scanning speed in files per second may give overall understanding of job’s performance. Files cannot be transferred faster than the Agent reads them from disk.
Same as with network transfer, it’s expected to see fractured files per second or ‘less than 1 file/sec”.
Machine statistics shows some of the computer's information. It's expected to see false positive high percentage of disk usage (up to 2000%) if the Agent syncs with a cloud storage in this job due to some specifics of retrieving this information from the cloud storage.
On Activity tab Total files show total number of files in the job run. Sync queue is equal to “Files to receive” from the overview. Current queue is the queue of files that need to be downloaded (not necessarily are being downloaded now), for TSS agents this is the number of files that were selected to be synced. If the agent is not downloading anything at the moment, or if it is in a Selective Sync mode, the current queue will be zero.